The best falafel are moist, tender, and packed with flavor, with a satisfyingly crunchy crust. They are traditionally made with chickpeas, with flour to bind...
With their bold, Asian-inspired flavors and bountiful crisp-tender vegetables, cool noodle salads make perfect umami-laden vegetarian lunches or dinners. Since we have plenty of successful...
A composed Cobb salad is very much about appearance—not surprising, given that its birthplace is Hollywood! Created in th1920s at LA’s famed Brown Derby restaurant,...
Though named after the city-nation of Singapore, this lightly sauced stir-fry of vegetables, eggs, and shrimp is a Hong Kong native. Typically, Singapore noodles are...
Salty, smoky bacon and sweet, briny scallops are a perfect match on the grill. But they do present a delicious cooking problem. Delicate scallops are...
Pan-seared salmon is naturally keto and simply delicious so it makes a quick, easy, and flavorful weeknight supper. For this recipe, we brined our salmon...