Wild rice and chicken sausage provide the carb-and-protein combo that runners need after a long run, while keeping fat and calories in check. Mushrooms lend...
Chicken-noodle soup gets a healthy upgrade with this whole grain, vegetable-packed version. The carbohydrates in quick-cooking quinoa restock your energy stores, while the amino acids...
This rich-tasting, velvety-smooth soup gets its creaminess from light coconut milk, which has 60 percent fewer calories than the full-fat version. Curry powder contains turmeric,...
Classic tomato soup gets a health and taste upgrade with this quick-and easy recipe, thanks to the addition of chickpeas. Research shows that people who...
This recipe proves just how easy it is to make a delicious, homemade soup with staple ingredients that are probably already in your refrigerator and...
Gazpacho, a classic Spanish summer soup, is traditionally made from red tomatoes. This version instead uses tomatillos (a small, firm, green relative of the tomato),...