Brussels sprouts, like their larger cousin the cabbage, contain sulforaphane, a compound that inhibits the DNA damage that is linked to cancer. Packed with vitamins...
Opting for brown rice over white makes this dish a nutritional knockout. While the two contain an identical amount of carbs, brown rice contains four...
Inexpensive, tasty, and easy to prepare, mussels are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, iron, vitamin B12, and protein, containing 20 grams in just...
This Caribbean-inspired dish uses jerk seasoning, which is made from a variety of spices including allspice, cloves, cinnamon, thyme, and plenty of hot peppers. It...
Many runners may not be familiar with barramundi, but it’s well worth putting this newcomer on the menu. Native to Australia, barramundi is farmed in...
Grilling rather than frying the fish keeps these tacos healthful while providing plenty of lean protein. The sour cream and chile marinade gives the fish...
Lentils replace bulgur in this carb-, protein-, and fiber-rich tabbouleh, which serves as a base for the grilled salmon. When possible, splurge on wild Alaskan...